Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mouse Trap Powered Car

It has been at least 2 weeks since we started our project. The problem was to build a mouse trap powered car to go as far as possible. So far we have created the frame of the car using pine wood and plastic board refered as "Cloraplast". Our instructor Mr. Smith has supplied us with a lifetime supply of this stuff he got from a friend who ran for mayor. We used this to hold the pine together. We have the wheels frame,etc... So check out the pictures. We used records and cds as wheels, the rest I picked up at a wood shop known as HomeDepot. There will be logs and videos and pics... Check it out, leave comments on what you think and share your expirence with us. So thank you for viewing my blog. Hope you can both share and learn with us in our quest to harness the power of a mouse trap.

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